前端模块化 (2):认识 bundle 工具

Compare bundlers between Webpack and Rollup

打造 60 fps 丝滑页面:从 requestAnimationFrame 到 requestVideoFrameCallback

Get acquainted with requestAnimationFrame / requestIdleCallback / requestVideoFrameCallback API


A solution to address mobile browser video autoplay issues, with insights into codec knowledge

前端模块化 (1):从 JS 全局变量到 TS 命名空间

Explore JS and TS modules from Global variables / CommonJS / AMD / CMD / ESM / Namespace

自建 Notion 组件:随机诗句 / 英文引言 / 音乐播放器

Create Notion Widgets for Random Poem, English Quote, and Music Player

JS 异步编程:事件循环与 Promise

Promises make JavaScript asynchronous programming more elegant