Reducibility,Use B solver to solve A
一般将 归约到相应的问题, 就可利用 的不可判定性证明问题的不可判定性。
当 不方便使用的时候,以下定理也可以用来证明不可判定性。
= { <M,w> | M 是一个图灵机,且对输入w停机 }
确定一个图灵机对给定的输入是否停机的问题被称为停机问题 (halting problem)。
假设图灵机 判定 ,由之可以构造图灵机 来判定
S =“在输入<M,w>上,此处<M,w>是图灵机M和串w的编码:
- 在输入<M,w>上运行图灵机R。
- 如果 R 拒绝, 则拒绝。
- 如果 R 接受, 则在 w 上模拟 M, 直到它停机。
- 如果 M 已经接受, 则接受;如果 M 巳经拒绝, 则拒绝。”
显然, 如果R判定 ,则S判定 。
因为 是不可判定的,故是 不可判定的。
Let’s assume that TM decides and construct TM to decide .
S = “On input <M,w>, an encoding of a TM and a string :
- Run TM on input <M,w>.
- If rejects, reject .
- If accepts, simulate on until it halts.
- If has accepted, accept ; if M has rejected, reject .”
Clearly, if decides , then decides .
Because is undecidable, also must be undecidable.
= { <M> | M 是一个图灵机,且 L(M)= }
💡 设 R 是判定 的一个图灵机,怎样用 R 来构造判定 的图灵机 S ?
当 S 收到输入 ⟨M, w⟩ 时,S 应该怎样运行?
使得除了 w 之外, M 对所有串都拒绝;但输入 w, 它如常运行。
再用 R 来测定这个是否识别空语言
如果 R 接受 S,则说明 M 不接受 w,即 M 是空集
- = “On input :
- If , reject .
- If , run on input and accept if does.”
Assume that TM decides and construct TM that decides as follows.
- = “On input ⟨M, w⟩, an encoding of a TM and a string :
- Use the description of M and w to construct the TM .
- Run on input ⟨M, w⟩.
- If accepts, reject ; if R rejects, accept .”
If were a decider for , would be a decider for . However, is undecideable, so must be undecidable.
- = { <M,w> | M 是一个图灵机,L(M) 是一个正则语言 }
- = { <M1, M2> | M1 和 M2 都是一个图灵机,且L(M1)=L(M2) }
- = { <G> | G是一个CFG,且 L(G) = }
Post Correspondence Probelm
- A collection of dominos looks like
- 任务是将这些进行排列(允许重复),使得在阅读顶部符号后得到的串与阅读底部符号后得到的串相同。这样的排列称为一个匹配 (match)。
- 例如,其中一种匹配情况:
- For some collections of dominos, finding a match may not be possible.
PCP= { <P> | ,且P有匹配}是不可判定的。
Reductions Via Computation Histories:证明 可归约到某些语言的重要技术
- 设M是一个图灵机,w 是一个输入串。
- M 在 w 上的一个接受计算历史 (accepting computation history) 是一个格局序列,其中 是M 在w上的起始格局, 是 M 的一个接受格局, 且每个 都符合M 的规则。
- M 在w上的一个拒绝计算历史 (rejecting computation history) 可类似定义,只是 应是一个拒绝格局。
线性界限自动机 (linear bounded automaton, LBA)
- = { <M,w> | M 是一个接受串 w 的 LBA } 是可判定的
- = { <M> | M 是一个 LBA,且L(LBA)= } 是不可判定的
Mapping reducibility
存在一个可计算函数 (computable function),它将问题 A 的实例转换成问题 B 的实例,就能用 B 的解决方案来解 A。
定义:语言 A 是映射可归约到语言 B 的,如果存在可计算函数 使得每个 w,
(记做 )。称函数 为从 A 到 B 的归约。
- 如果 且 是可判定的, 则 也是可判定的。
- 如果 且 不是可判定的, 则 也不是可判定的。
- 如果 且 (不)是图灵可识别的, 则 也(不)是可图灵可识别的。
How to apply above theorems?
- To prove 𝐵 is undecidable:
Show undecidable 𝐴 is reducible to 𝐵. (often 𝐴 is )
Assume TM 𝑅 decides 𝐵 and construct TM 𝑆 deciding 𝐴.
- To prove 𝐵 is T-unrecognizable
Show T-unrecognizable 𝐴 is mapping reducible to 𝐵, then give reduction function 𝑓.
- 证明 可归约到 。
- Construct the following two machines M1 and M2. M1 = “On any input: 1. Reject.” M2 = “On any input: 1. Run on . 2. Accept if accept.”
- Output <M1,M2>.”
F = “On input <M,w>, where M is a TM and a string:
- 证明 可归约到
- Construct the following two machines M1 and M2.
- Output <M1,M2>.”
G = “On input <M,w>, where M is a TM and a string:
M1 = “On any input: 1. Accept.”
M2 = “On any input: 1. Run on . 2. Accept if accept.”
Rice's theorem
Suppose that C is a proper, none-emptysubset of the class of all recursively enumerable languages. Then the following problem is undecidable: Given a Turing machine , is ?
- Let P be any nontrivial property of the language of a Turing machine. Prove that the problern of determining whether a given Turing machine's language has property P is undecidable.
- In more formal terins, let P be a language consisting of Turing machine descriptions where P fulfills two conditions.
- First, P is nontrivial —— it contains some, but not all, TM descriptions.
- Second, P is a property of the TMs language —— whenever , we have iff . Here, and are any TMs, prove that P is an undecidable language.
- 该图灵机接受的语言是否包含偶数个字符串。
- 该图灵机接受的语言是否至少包含一个回文字符串。
Exam-2022-2(b) Prove Rice’s Theorem (you can use the recursion theorem).
Give the following assumption:
- The problem “Given a Turing machine , is ? ” can be decided by the TM .
- P is a non-trivial property, and the problem “Is a Turing Machine can decide ?” can be decided by the TM .
- is a Turing Machine that does not have the property .
: “判断一个图灵机是否能接受一个字符串” ,即它是一种
= “On input :
- Use and to construct the following TM
- Stimulate on . Reject if it halts and reject. Proceed to stage 2 if it accepts.
- Stimulate on input . Accept if it accepts.
= “On input x:
- Use TM to determine whether . Accept if Yes, otherwise reject. ”
Based on the above construction, we can reduce the S to . Since is undecidable, it follows that is also undecidable.
A language is Turing-enumerable if and only if it therc is a Turing machine that enumerates (all string in) it.
Theorem: A language is recursively enumerable if and only if it is Turing-enumerable.
Theorem: A language is recursive if and only if both it and its complement are recursively enumerable.