Agile Software Development
- 个体和互动 高于 流程和工具
- 工作的软件 高于 详尽的文档
- 客户合作 高于 合同谈判
- 响应变化 高于 遵循计划
- 客户合作:业务人员应该和开发人员紧密合作,提供对系统的需求和改进建议
- 拥抱改变:欣然面对需求变化,并对计划作出迅速调整
- 持续交付:及早交付有价值的软件使客户满意
- 保持简洁:减少不必要工作量
- (注重)人,而不是过程:信任团队成员,要有团队节奏
- 敏捷方法的非正式性 (informality) 与大型企业中常用的合同问题不相容 。
- 敏捷方法通常用于新软件系统的开发,而不是软件维护。
- 敏捷方法是为小型团队设计的。对于具有多个地理分布团队的大型项目,管理和协调复杂性显著增加。
eXtreme Programming, XP
右边图示说明了一个 XP 过程,它产生了正在开发的系统的一个增量。
- 用户故事是敏捷框架中最小的离散工作 (the smallest discrete piece of work)
Who decides on the velocity?Tracker tracks the iteration, the testing for acceptance, the code quality, customer management, etc.
XP 价值观
XP Values
- Courage:成员客观地评估自己的失误造成的后果而不是找借口,并且随时准备应对变化。
- Communication:团队中的每个人都互通工作。
- Feedback:团队成员经常交付软件,获取有关软件的反馈,并根据新的需求改进产品。
- Respect:每个被分配到项目中的人都为一个共同的目标做出贡献。
- Simplicity:开发人员编写简单的代码,为产品带来更多价值。
XP 原则
XP Principles
- Accepted Responsibility
- the commitment made by the team members to take ownership of their work and deliver high-quality software
- Responsibility cannot be assigned; it can only be accepted
- Baby Step (把一项艰巨的任务简化成小步骤)
- Diversity (开发者们应集思广益,work together on the problem)
- Economics
- time + money
- Flow(连续的活动流而不是离散的阶段,small increments and continuous integration)
- Failure (越挫越勇)
- If you have 3 ways to implement a user story, but you don’t know which to use, try all of them.
- “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” —— Edison
- Humanity(平衡团队和个体之间的需求)
- Improvement (Refine the activity results over time)
- Mutual Benefit
- Every activity should benefit all concerned
- Opportunity (Seeing problems as opportunities for changes (personal growth, deepening relationships, and improved software))
- Quality
- Reflection
- Redundancy (多角度解决问题;Difficult problems in software development should be solved in several different ways.)
- Self-Similarity (复用;Use the structure of one solution into a new context, even at different scales)
Done is better than perfect ✔️ (It’s a good place to start)
XP 工作流程
以及对应的实践 (XP Practices)
- Continuous Integration 持续集成
- 提倡集成系统多次,而且随着需求的改变,要不断的进行回归测试。使得团队保持一个较高的开发速度,同时避免了一次系统集成的恶梦。
- Energized Work
- Incremental Design
- Make small safe design improvements every day.
- Informative Workspace
- Pair Programming 结对编程
- 由两个开发人员在同一台电脑上共同编写解决同一问题的代码,通常一个人负责写编码,而另一个负责保证代码的正确性与可读性。
- Sit Together
- Slack
- 在进度落后时可以放弃的任务
- Some minor / low-priority tasks that can be dropped if you get behind and needed to meet overall commitments.
- Why: They provide some flexibility and room in the face of unexpected issues or delays, thus promoting a sustainable and healthy work environment for the development team.
(2021 Final Exam) In eXtreme Programming (XP), what are slack tasks? Explain why we need them.
- Stories
- 程序员如果无法理解 topic,则去 reasearch 然后 initial a Spike
- a Spike is a exploratory development activity that is used to research the uncertainty in the project.
- a spike is a skinny, minimal solution in throw-away code. The result of a spike is enough knowledge to attempt an estimate.
- Spikes are necessary in XP because they help teams deal with complexity.
- 如果故事太大,产品经理则 split stories into small tasks
- Ten-Minute Build
- Automatically build the whole system and run all of the tests in ten minutes
- Test-First Programming
- Write a failing automated test before changing any code.
- Weekly Cycle
- the name for an iteration in XP
- It is a planning and feedback loop that helps to ensure that the project is moving forward at a sustainable pace.
- 总结上一个周期的进展 ➡️ 为新周期选择新的 stories ➡️ 分配具体任务给团队成员
- Quarterly Cycle
- a longer-term planning process
- keep the detailed work of each weekly cycle in context of the overall product
- 关注于更大视角 (the big picture),解决瓶颈 (bottlenecks),决定季度周期的大局 (theme)
- Whole Team
Scrum 框架
XP 注重技术实践和代码质量,Scrum 则注重开发过程中的协调和管理。
Scrum 支柱
Scrum Pillars
- 透明度:在软件开发过程的各个环节保持高度的可见性
- Process must be visible to all team members.
- Use common language and share a common definition.
- 检查:开发过程必须做到足够频繁地检验,确保能够及时发现过程中的重大偏差。
- Scrum artifacts and progress must be inspected frequently without interfering team’s work.
- 适应性:接受和适应变化,并不断改进
- If a process or development deviates outside the plan, adjustment must be made in time.
Scrum 角色
- 产品所有者(Product Owner)
- 开发团队(Development Team)
- Scrum 大师(Master)
- 指导项目组的成员按照 Scrum 的原则做事,组织各种 Scrum 会议
- Planning Scrum implementations to help the team to understand the project
- Facilitating events and removing impediments
- 不是项目经理,没有分配任务的权力
Scrum 价值观
- Courage
- Commitment
- Focus
- Respect
- Openness
Scrum 规则
Rules bind all components together
- Work together as a self-organizing team
- The quality of the goals can NOT be affected
- Sprint goal can NOT be changed
- Only the Product Owner can cancel the Sprint
- The Sprint goal becomes obsolete (淘汰的,Outdated)
- In unexpected situations, e.g., an important team member has left
- A much higher priority task comes in and requested by senior management
XP 在一个迭代中,如果一个 User Story 还没实现,则可以考虑用另外的需求将其替换,而 Scrum 是不允许这样做的。
在下列情况下,一个 Sprint 可以被取消
- A Sprint can NOT be shortened
- A Sprint should NOT be longer than a month
Scrum 事件
Scrum Events
- 本软件系统面向什么用户?
- 它解决什么问题?
- ……
Product Backlog Refinement meeting:根据产品需求确定 Product Backlog
在 Scrum 框架中,庞大且复杂的产品将被拆分成一个个小的片段,通过一系列被称为 Sprint 的迭代来完成,即 Scrum 团队完成一定数量工作所需的短暂、固定的周期。它使项目更易于管理,让团队更快、更频繁地交付高质量的工作。
- The short duration of Sprints limits the risk to small cost.
Sprint 计划
Sprint Planning meeting:计划会议
团队计划下一个 Sprint 要完成的工作
每日 Scrum
Daily Scrum meeting:每日站会,最长十五分钟 (How long: 15 minutes max)
➡️ 会议最后产出 an informal plan for the next day
Sprint 评审
Sprint Review meeting:评审会议
- (How long: Maximum 4 hours for a one-month Sprint)
当一个 Story 完成,也就是 Sprint Backlog 被完成,也就表示一次 Sprint 完成,这时 (at the end of the Sprint) 要进行评审会议
Scrum 团队在会议中
- 审查什么是接下来最有价值的事情
- 展示目前在 Sprint 中完成的工作,并接收反馈和评审
➡️ 会议最后产出 a revised Product Backlog
Sprint 回顾
Sprint Retrospective meeting:回顾会议
也称为总结会议,每个人总结并讨论改进的地方,并放入下一轮 Sprint 的产品需求
- A new Sprint starts immediately after the retrospective of the previous Sprint.
Scrum 工件
Scrum Artifacts
ㅤ | Product Backlog | Sprint Backlog |
详细度 | 比较详细 | 非常详细 |
文档归属 | Product Owner | Development Team |
持续长度 | 整个项目周期 | 一个 Sprint |
Product Backlog
- 根据初始需求分解出的任务列表,包括功能性和非功能性的所有功能
- 由 Product Owner 为 Product Backlog 中的任务确定优先级别,后期再由 Development Team 精确评估和分解任务。
将 DevOps 用于软件开发的主要驱动因素
- have fewer requirements changes
- create a stronger focus on testing and quality assurance
- achieve a much faster delivery cycle
💡 DevOps 尽可能依赖于自动化工具